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As we age, we lose fat and collagen beneath the skin and this can cause sagging and wrinkles. Dermal fillers have gained popularity due to their ability to safely and instantly restore a more youthful look. At Bluemoon Medispa, we offer Hyaluronic Acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is found naturally through out the body, with the highest concentrations in the joints, eyes, and skin. In the skin hyaluronic acid attracts water, which allows the skin to become more hydrated. Injectable hyaluronic acid can help to correct laugh lines, smile lines, smoker’s lines, marionette lines, hallow cheeks and enhance lips. Treatment with dermal fillers is nearly painless and the effects can last from 6-24 months and in some cases can help stimulate your own collagen production which may produce longer lasting results.*
Restylane Silk.
Restylane Lyft.
Juvederm Ultra.
Contact us for free information & consultation
*Individual result may vary